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An experiment was laid at Central Research Station, Dr. Panjabrao Deshmukh krishi Vidyapeeth, Akola during the year 2009 - l0 on fourteen year old guava plantation cv. L-49 in Randomized Block Design lrrith ninedifferent NPK combinations replicated four times to assess the effect of NPK fertilization on gxowth and yield performance of guava under semi-arid climatic conditions of Vidarbha region of Maharashtra. The results revealed that, the superior growth perfonnance in respect of plant height, plant spread, plant volume and leaf area were recorded in plants which received higher levels of NPK. Similarly the yield and yield attributing characters viz., more number of flowers per shoot, higher fruit set with lesser fruit drop and fruit
yield in terms of number of fruit per plant and also fruit yield on weight basis was found associated with application of 975:330:560 g NPK/plant. However, regarding the chemical properties like TSS, Acidity and Total Sugar, the higher values were observed in the freshly harvested fruits from the tree that received 975:490:560 g NPK fertilizers per plant.